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Music and Masque
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Example Experiences
Virtual Voice Piano
Music and Masque
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Teaching Style
Example Experiences
Virtual Voice Piano
Performed for the Queen of England
On stage with with Barry Manilow
Addington Palace; Royal School, U.K
Westfield, NY Chamber Music Festival Choir
International Mass Choir- Bern, Switzerland
International Church Music Festival 2001- Pictured left to right:
Elwyn Raymer, Sir David Willcocks, Kathy Caton, Paul Leddington Wright
News 12 Long Island Select Vocal Ensemble Performance
Post-performance Reunion Newfield High School
Kathy with Sir David Willcocks and Sheila Wright
Conducting a rehearsal at The Royal School, U.K
International Church Music Festival
Addington Palace; Royal School, U.K
Outside Westminster Abbey ( just before performing for the Queen)
Smithtown Community Choir Smithtown, NY Directed by Kathy
Christmastyme CD recording- MZA Records
Children's Artist recordings- MZA Records
The Wedding Scene- From Les Mis Newfield High School
Kathy sings with Barry Manilow! On Broadway
Final Scene from Cabaret- Newfield High School
I Dreamed a Dream- From Les Mis Newfield High School
Guest conductor All County Chorus Chautauqua Institute, New York "Mangwani Mpulele"
Duet: Kathy and son Eric Recital Long Island, New York "Pie Jesu"
Westfield, New York Chamber Music Festival- Kathy conducts combined choir "River in Judae"
Select Vocal Ensemble- Newfield High School Choral competition- 2006, Richmond, Virginia
Select Scene from Newfield High School production of Les Miserables' Kathy Caton- Director
Guys and Dolls Trailer- Drury Stage Company
Guys and Dolls- Drury High School 2015
Mt Greylock Regional HS Choir WGBY
Select Vocal Ensemble- Newfield High School Choral competition- 2006, Richmond, Virginia